rsync 安装配置


ubuntu 默认安装了rsync,但是并没有作为服务启动

  • 在/etc下创建一个rsync目录

      $ mkdir -m 600 rsync
  • 拷贝配置文件样本

      $ cd rsync/
      $ cp /usr/share/doc/rsync/examples/rsyncd.conf ./
  • 配置rsyncd.conf

      $:/etc/rsync# vim rsyncd.conf


        # sample rsyncd.conf configuration file
        motd file=/etc/rsync/rsyncd.motd
        log file=/var/log/rsyncd
        # for pid file, do not use /var/run/ if
        # you are going to run rsync out of the init.d script.
        # The init.d script does its own pid file handling,
        # so omit the "pid file" line completely in that case.
        pid file=/var/run/
        syslog facility=daemon
        #socket options=
            comment = app
            path = /data0/web/app
            use chroot = yes
        #   max connections=10
            lock file = /var/lock/rsyncd
        # the default for read only is yes...
            read only = yes
            list = yes
            uid = nobody
            gid = nogroup
            exclude = uploadfiles/
        #   exclude from = 
        #   include =
        #   include from =
        #   auth users = 
            secrets file = /etc/rsygn/rsyncd.secrets
            strict modes = yes
        #   hosts allow =
        #   hosts deny =
            ignore errors = no
            ignore nonreadable = yes
            transfer logging = no
        #   log format = %t: host %h (%a) %o %f (%l bytes). Total %b bytes.
            timeout = 600
            refuse options = checksum dry-run
            dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.rpm *.deb *.iso *.bz2 *.tbz
  • 配置 rsyncd.secrets

      $:/etc/rsync# vim rsyncd.secrets

    加入用户和密码 backup:xxxxx

  • 配置 rsyncd.motd

      $:/etc/rsync# vim rsyncd.motd

    加入 Welcome Man!

配置rsync 服务
$:/etc/rsync# vim /etc/default/rsync 

修改文件, RSYNC_ENABLE 设置为true, 并指定配置文件为/etc/rsync/rsyncd.conf

  # defaults file for rsync daemon mode
  # start rsync in daemon mode from init.d script?
  #  only allowed values are "true", "false", and "inetd"
  #  Use "inetd" if you want to start the rsyncd from inetd,
  #  all this does is prevent the init.d script from printing a message
  #  about not starting rsyncd (you still need to modify inetd's config yourself).
  # which file should be used as the configuration file for rsync.
  # This file is used instead of the default /etc/rsyncd.conf
  # Warning: This option has no effect if the daemon is accessed
  #          using a remote shell. When using a different file for
  #          rsync you might want to symlink /etc/rsyncd.conf to
  #          that file.
  # what extra options to give rsync --daemon?
  #  that excludes the --daemon; that's always done in the init.d script
  #  Possibilities are:
  #   --address=      (bind to a specific IP address)
  #   --port=8730             (bind to specified port; default 873)
  # run rsyncd at a nice level?
  #  the rsync daemon can impact performance due to much I/O and CPU usage,
  #  so you may want to run it at a nicer priority than the default priority.
  #  Allowed values are 0 - 19 inclusive; 10 is a reasonable value.
  # run rsyncd with ionice?
  #  "ionice" does for IO load what "nice" does for CPU load.
  #  As rsync is often used for backups which aren't all that time-critical,
  #  reducing the rsync IO priority will benefit the rest of the system.
  #  See the manpage for ionice for allowed options.
  #  -c3 is recommended, this will run rsync IO at "idle" priority. Uncomment
  #  the next line to activate this.
  # RSYNC_IONICE='-c3'
  # Don't forget to create an appropriate config file,
  # else the daemon will not start.
$:/etc/rsync# sudo service rsync start
* Starting rsync daemon rsync
rsync -vzrtopg --progress --delete backup@120.24.**.**::app ./
  • shell脚本 vim /data0/shell/

      rsync -zrtopg --progress --delete --password-file=/etc/rsync/rsync.secrets backup@ /data0/web/app/
  • 定时脚本 vim /data0/shell/rsync_cron

      # rsycn crontab shell
      */5 * * * * root sh /data0/shell/ >> /data0/log/rsync.log
  • 加入crontab

      $ crontab /data0/shell/rsync_cron
  • 自动加载任务,加到入/etc/cron.d/

      ln -s /data0/shell/rsync_cron /erc/cron.d/rsync_cron


  • 开启cron.log, vim /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf,重启rsyslog
  • cron每一个任务都是一整行,为防止任务载入失败,所以在每个任务后面都需要打一个换行